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Give up & start up: What's motivating boomerangs to take a chance

More professionals are giving up promising careers in big cities to start up in their tier-2 hometowns

JNARK Connects these dots - IoTs, Healthcare, Bigdata and AI

A complete real-time monitoring enabled maintenance system for all the medical equipment in more than 2500 hospitals in Karnataka.

Guvi blends learning, gamification and mother tongue

Robust learning happens when you learn thru mother tongue. To make it interesting, gamify learning.

Nurture your first 10 customers

The feedback from your first 10 customers is the most crucial factor in your product journey.

From the eyes of an investor

Getting investor's money to your company bank account is a tough path. What is going on in their minds?

Art of product support

Post sale support is more important than the product sale itself. Get that right.

Moods of a start-up CEO

The brain behind the startup must work at its best. What will be the intra-day mood swings of that brain?

Key points while doing a product demo

You get max 30 minutes to do product demo. Every second counts.

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