
Virtual Reality + Training + Manufacturing = SquareComp

Training for manufacturing industry requires a lot of skill development. Virtual reality provides a very big hope.

RoboChef disrupts cooking industry - your kitchen will get robotized

Consistent food quality, high in hygiene - will be available to everyone, anywhere. RoboChef makes this happen.

GoFloaters redefines "workspace" and "worktime"

The way people work, especially how freelancers, startups, independent professionals, creative professionals and professionals on-the-move work, has changed drastically but the office choices for them has not.

Predictive analytics to hospitality industry - the Sengen way

What do you do with the feedback given by a customer after dining? Sengen gives prediction.

Give up & start up: What's motivating boomerangs to take a chance

More professionals are giving up promising careers in big cities to start up in their tier-2 hometowns

JNARK Connects these dots - IoTs, Healthcare, Bigdata and AI

A complete real-time monitoring enabled maintenance system for all the medical equipment in more than 2500 hospitals in Karnataka.