our nearest RoboChef will be within 5 kilo meters. This is what Saravanan wants to achieve. Human dependence in food quality is appreciated, but that talent is not scaling to meet the needs of the day. World requires robots that can cook high quality food at industrial scale.
Saravanan never gives up when it comes to products. He made millions in prior ventures, lost money, became bankrupt for 3 times. Every time he came back with more energy and today he made RoboChef a reality.

The first version of the robo chef was created by interns and school kids. The way Saravanan made the kids to create such a world class product is the real quality that shows that he is a great mentor.
If you do not know that it is impossible, you will get it done.
Robochef ensures that authentic food is available for this distributed world. In every country you see a mix of population who came from other countries and settled. Food is one thing that unites people in so many ways.
When he visited China, he could see that China imparting the message to school kids "we are the makers of the world". Such a message must be given to kids in India as well, right from that age. Then only we can compete in the global market.
Reducing the cost is not a factor for Robochef, but increasing the food quality to a great extent is the goal.
An industrial park requires 10 varieties of dishes for 10,000 people every day - Robochef can solve this in no time. Who knows - in future, wedding invitations may carry this phrase - "Catering by Robochef" !!