ardware requirements to do big things was the biggest worry a decade ago. Now with cloud, everyone is enabled to deal with peta bytes of data. Compute power, memory, storage and bandwidth are now available in a single click.
Big hardware, Low cost
Today's world is connected by internet and mobile. The amount of data being collected is so huge and the spike usage is totally unpredictable. This requires high performance hardware. Startups do not have a deep pocket to procure this kind of hardware. Cloud comes for the rescue. You can get the best hardware at the lowest cost.

People do not talk mega bytes and giga bytes nowadays. Tera and Peta are the common terms when it comes to storage. In memory storage for tera bytes are now available for real time processing.
Use and Pay when you need
It is not required to procure or provision a big infra right on day one. Cloud gives the ability to scale as you grow. You can grow the hardware horizontally as well as vertically. And the payment happens for the usage of the hardware. Many cloud providers provide a capability to turn off the hardware and it is not charged for the turned-off period.
Anywhere, anytime, on-demand, best technology to anyone
When startups use free lancers and isolated team members, cloud comes into play. I can connect to it from my office or home or a coffee shop. The ease of access via internet makes it easy to consume.
Open Source
While hardware had become a commodity, what about the software to handle large amount of data? You name any bigdata names - MongoDB, Cassandra, Hadoop, Kudu, ClickHouse....all are open source! This means that you do not have to buy license to start your bigdata journey.
- Your product specs
- Your design aspects
- Product verification aspects
You are now free from the infra procurement and license procurement hurdles. Focus on your product details and customers.
When you club open source, cloud and big data, you have started conquering the universe. No more limits.
Welcome to the ever expanding universe.