ovid19 is still shocking the world. With strict lock down measures also, it does not give respite. We are essentially buying time to figure out what to do on a long run.
There are some great life-time lessons the virus had taught all of us.
Mother earth is now greener. Look at the air quality index of India. You see a lot of green. 3 months before, majority area was in purple or red.

Everyone gets once in a lifetime opportunity to be with family (fortunate ones) 24 by 7. Learn the nuances of household duties.
Too much dependency on China for every small items by every other country. We start rethinking, why should we all be so dependent? can't we manufacture the same in our country?
Slow down. Always chasing targets is not as important as saving your life and saving others' lives.
Be simple and frugal. Relive the way our ancestors did. No hype.
Understand the value of people working on essential services in every country. If they don't work with a strong will, we don't exist.
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