emi conductor chips are continuously disrupting the world. Every industry is dependent on some kind of chip. Computers and servers were ruling once; mobile came then and now Internet of Things (IOTs) are exploding. All these need a chip to function.
When you look at the wiki site on the chip fab units and locations, you can see at least 80+ units in Taiwan, 5+ units in Israel, 15+ in Korea, 90+ in Japan and JUST ONE IN INDIA.
India is the second largest consumer country next to China, in the whole world. Lack of chip fab units leads to large amount of import of every possible electronic item.

The world has about 575 semiconductor fab plants. Our Indian consumers require chip for washing machine to microwave oven to mobile phone. If we do not invest in this now, we will ever be importing products from other countries. This will also see diminishing research work in this space and eventually a vacuum in the next decade. If you look at the year of operation of many of Taiwan units, they had started production in 1990s! This shows that we are 3 decades behind.
Our Chandigarh unit has technology to do 180 nano-meter wafer. This itself can cater to at least 50-60% of the commercial needs. But a complete eco-system around the semi conductor fab unit must be developed and nurtured at the earliest. This may be happening, but not at all visible and see in any commercial products.
We have the best knowledge pool and the largest consumer space. What are we waiting for?
Title Photo by Brian Kostiuk - @BriKost