People tend to find similar people in the global village. There are online connections and personal connections. A connection has no price tag attached to it. The human relationship brings a lot of value based on how we perceive and derive it.
Connections grow exponentially
If there are 3 people A, B and C, we see A-B, B-C, C-A as connections. This combination grows exponentially as the number of people increases. The more connections we see, the more interactions are possible. This is the fuel that caused the growth of social media. Whether the connection results in a benefit or not, we need to keep connecting.

If you are a startup, meeting people and getting inputs is more important than anything. As a lean team, I know the pain of setting up appointments! Sending 100s of emails, waiting for response is a bigger pain. Also, you must not sit alone in office. Keep meeting people; the right people. Fellow startups, investors, accomplished people...keep meeting them and hearing them.
Best way is to do this efficiently without a big hole in the purse, is to attend good events. It gives you fresh air, a chance to appreciate fellow startups and to critically introspect you and your ideas.
Connections motivate. Business is all about connections.
There are online webinars and round tables nowadays. These can drastically reduce travel time and gives more avenues to connect to various groups. Even when you move from one organization to the other, these connections never break.
Do not connect based on benefits
If you look for benefits from every connection, it will create chaos. The relationships must not be weighed based on benefits. Connections are supposed to build trust and bond. Other factors depend on how we develop trust and bond.
Imagine that you have 5000+ active connections in Linkedin, won't you like it? So use every opportunity to connect with more people.