eezhadi excavations by the Archaeological Society of India reveal that we have got a well advanced system 2500 years ago, in Tamil Nadu, South India. There are inscriptions, amazing housing patterns and trade related evidences. The time-frame is estimated between 500 BC and 280 BC.
The recent findings have given a WOW factor and the entire world is awe struck by this. Look at the title image. This is a tube based drainage system, made of terracotta. A longer tube is made of joining smaller tube sections, each 60 cms long and 20 cms diameter. 10 such sections are joined together to form a longer drainage.
This clearly shows that someone had done the research, developed prototypes and arrived at a practical system that is implemented 2500 years ago!

What is so surprising is that they have used a filter at the source of the drainage to avoid blockages. See the above image. This indicates initially they would have faced blockages and improved the design to prevent that.
Why this stuff is not found in other ancient excavations whose time-frame is between 0 AD and 500 AD? Was it not properly documented? Was it not properly communicated to the next gen? Was it not part of the schools in those days?
India has lost so much of research done in the past and the findings, due to lack of documentation, lack of passing the same to next gen and destruction of manuscripts at large scale. Keezhadi findings teach us a great lesson.