aking the right choice in studies is not an easy task. Students are influenced a lot by friends, teachers and parents. Internet provides an overload of information and this abundance of information itself is a problem.
Interest level keeps changing as the students cross different milestones. Opportunity now vs the opportunity in the future, peer pressure, going by the brand of colleges, place of study, place where friends go to study...there are so many factors like these that eventually change the interest towards the destination. Financial pressure overrides so many other factors and twists the interests. Students get stretched by these parameters, and at the end, the interest gets compromised.
Parents vs Kids
What to choose, what options we have, where to go, whom to approach - most of the times, parents and teachers also do not have proper answers to these. What is seen in newspapers and media, they think it is authentic and suggest.
Students believe what teachers say and go by that. The stress level builds up for the kids when parents force them to do what parents want.
At a crucial age between 15 and 20, students struggle to meet the expectations of parents.
How to apply?
How to get the application form, what is the last date to apply, what options do we have - students need constant alerts. They face test after test after test. In that tight schedule, follow-up for a course or exam becomes the last priority. So they require help in reminding these details to them.
Post Graduation
People feel that their options are limited at PG level. In fact, in India, there are plenty of options at PG level and every college is in need of PG entrants. An attractive job or financial crunch or lack of knowledge about PG options, alter the path of a good student. Country needs a whole lot of PG students. Students need special guidance for PG courses.
Making the right choice when you fill any application for UG or PG, requires careful planning. It is better to get additional help from experienced counselors such as http://indiacollegefinder.org.
There are many counselors who tell about studies abroad; but India provides amazing options for UG and PG. If you take a few days of careful planning, your potential gets multiplied by 10 times.
Title Image by Eric Leroy from Pixabay