


Metro in every Indian city will solve so many problems

The service level and acceptance of metro rail services in Indian cities are really great. This is the way to go to solve so many issues.

Fraud and risk management in this connected world

No one is now isolated. Internet, mobile and apps make everyone accessible in one way or the other and this leads to fraud.

India needs more and better chip fab units

When compared to many other countries, the number of semiconductor chip fab units in India is way too less. It is high time that the Government invests in this space, now.

5 essential business tools that you must get used to

To effectively collaborate, you require these tools. Save time, the biggest asset that we have got.

Art of product support

Post sale support is more important than the product sale itself. Get that right.

AI and ML - boon or bane

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. They are here to disrupt.

Cloud and Bigdata - the new norm

Hardware is no more a barrier to do big things.

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